Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Essential Oil Blends

I found a great chart on blending essential oils on jolie chose Aromatherapy & Natural Health Care

Blends - Essential Oil

Successful blending is very gratifying and gives you confidence when working with oils. Experiment with 8-12 drops in your diffuser - it's a great way to learn your oils without using a lot. Here are some ideas to get you started:
Lift - 5 drops geranium, 2 drops bergamot, 1 drop neroli.
Heaven - 3 drops palmarosa, 2 drops nutmeg, 1 drop spruce, 1 drop vetiver, 1 drop ylang ylang.
At Ease - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops petitgrain, 3 drops bergamot.
Tame - 3 drops lavender, 2 drops marjoram, 2 drops clary sage, 1 drop basil.
Pillow - 6 drops lavender, 2 drops marjoram, 1 clary sage.
Sacred - 4 drops frankincense, 4 drops myrrh.
Blues - 2 drops clary sage, 2 drops ylang ylang, 1 drop geranium, 1 drop basil, 1 drop sandalwood.
Relax - 4 drops lavender, 4 drops rosemary.
Incense - 2 drops sandalwood, 2 drops vanilla absolute, 2 drops patchouli, 2 drops geranium, 2 drops frankincense, 2 drops ylang ylang, 1 drop jasmine absolute, 1 drop neroli, 1 drop juniper, 1 drop cedarwood.
Tribe - 3 drops rosemary, 2 drops cedarwood, 1 drop chamomile, 1 drop geranium, 1 drop rose, 1 drop lavender, 1 drop sandalwood, 1 drop frankincense, 1 drop neroli, 1 drop jasmine absolute.
Delight - 4 drops white grapefruit, 2 drops bergamot, 1 drop clove, 1 drop geranium, 1 drop sandalwood, 1 drop vanilla absolute.
Citrus Delight - 3 drops white grapefruit, 2 drops lemon, 1 drop lime, 1 drop sweet orange, 1 drop tangerine.
Lavender Fields - 3 drops lavender, 2 drops bergamot, 2 drops sandalwood, 1 drop geranium.
Exotic Rose - 5 drops geranium, 3 drops sandalwood, 2 drops ylang ylang.
Tension Relief - 3 drops clary sage, 3 drops rosemary, 2 drops clove.
White Roses - 3 drops geranium, 3 drops patchouli, 3 drops bergamot.
Lemon Chiffon - 5 drops lemon, 3 drops rosemary.
Floral - 5 drops rosewood, 4 drops palmarosa, 3 drops ylang ylang, 2 drops geranium, 1 drop patch, 1 drop frankincense.
Mood - 3 drops sweet orange, 3 drops clary sage, 2 drops ylang ylang.
Love - 4 drops vanilla absolute, 4 drops sandalwood, 2 drops rose, 2 drops ylang ylang, 1 drop frankincense, 1 drop geranium.
Therapy - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops tea tree, 2 drops roman chamomile.
Roses - 4 drops geranium, 2 drops rosewood, 2 drops palmarosa.
Peppermint Zest - 3 drops peppermint, 3 drops spearmint, 2 drops rosemary.
Dark - 4 drops sandalwood, 2 drops geranium, 2 drops patchouli.
Ooooh-La-La-Lavender - 3 drops lavender, 2 drops sweet orange, 1 drop geranium, 1 drop cedarwood, 1 drop marjoram, 1 drop frankincense.
Wood Rose - 3 drops geranium, 2 drops cedarwood, 2 drops sandalwood, 1 drop myrrh, 1 drop patchouli.
Breathe - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops peppermint.
Dark Eyes - 5 drops patchouli, 1 drop geranium, 1 drop ylang ylang, 1 drop cinnamon.
Light - 3 drops juniper, 3 drops pink grapefruit, 1 drop sweet orange, 1 drop fennel.
Swan - 5 drops geranium, 3 drops sandalwood.
Northwest Comfort - 3 drops peppermint, 3 drops pine, 2 drops clary sage.
Dark Rose - 4 drops patchouli, 3 drops geranium, 1 drop rose.
Restore - 4 drops mint, 3 drops thyme, 1 drop lavender.
Ocean - 4 drops rosemary, 2 drops lavender, 2 drops spearmint, 2 drops lemongrass.
Calm - 4 drops geranium, 4 drops lavender.
Awesome - 4 drops lemongrass, 4 drops peppermint.
Voluptuous - 4 drops ylang ylang, 2 drops sandalwood, 2 drops clove.
Nice - 3 drops lemongrass, 3 drops ylang ylang, 2 drops lavender.
Spice - 3 drops cinnamon, 3 drops clove, 2 drops rosemary.
Watery - 3 drops cedarwood, 3 drops lemongrass, 2 drops rosemary.
Stress-less - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops roman chamomile, 2 drops clary sage.
To Cry For - 4 drops clary sage, 4 drops lemongrass.
Concentrate - 3 drops rosemary, 3 drops basil, 2 drops pine.
Meadows - 3 drops bergamot, 3 drops peppermint, 2 drops tangerine.
Tense-less - 3 drops tea tree, 3 drops peppermint, 2 drops eucalyptus.
Sombre - 4 drops bergamot, 2 drops neroli, 1 drop jasmine, 1 drop spikenard.
Christmas Celebration - 3 drops cinnamon, 2 drops sweet orange, 1 drop clove, 1 drop pine, 1 drop patchouli.
Kick Back - 3 drops marjoram, 3 drops lemon, 2 drops roman chamomile.
Inhale - 3 drops eucalyptus, 3 drops peppermint, 2 drops lemongrass.
Smile - 4 drops grapefruit, 2 drops rosemary, 1 drop palmarosa.
Head-No-Ache - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops marjoram, 2 drops peppermint.
:-) - 4 drops lemon, 2 drops neroli, 1 drop lavender.
Wake Up - 3 drops lemongrass, 3 drops jasmine absolute, 2 drops rosemary.
Soft - 3 drops clary sage, 3 drops lemon, 2 drops lavender.
Entice - 3 drops jasmine absolute, 2 drops sandalwood, 1 drop ylang ylang, 1 drop patchouli, 1 drop sweet orange.
Unwind - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops geranium, 3 drops palmarosa.
Indian Summer - 3 drops geranium, 2 drops grapefruit, 2 drops rosewood, 2 drops vanilla, 1 drop rose, 1 drop nutmeg, 1 drop sandalwood.
Holiday Spice - 3 drops sweet orange, 2 drops cinnamon, 1 drop nutmeg, 1 drop clove, 1 drop frankincense.
Stars - 4 drops lavender, 4 drops roman chamomile.
Heal - 2 drops lemon, 2 drops tea tree, 1 drop myrrh, 1 drop rosemary, 1 drop peppermint, 1 drop carrot seed.
Gramma - 4 drops lime, 3 drops lavender, 1 drop lemongrass.
Cleanse - 3 drops bergamot, 3 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops lemongrass.
Rain - 5 drops bergamot, 3 drops sandalwood.
Earthy - 3 drops patchouli, 3 drops lavender, 2 drops geranium.
Antique - 3 drops rosewood, 3 drops palmarosa, 3 drops sandalwood.
Intrigue - 2 drops patchouli, 2 drops cedarwood, 2 drops clary sage, 1 drop geranium, 1 drop rose.
Thrill Me - 4 drops patchouli, 2 drops ylang ylang, 2 drops lemon.
Jade - 3 drops cedarwood, 2 drops cinnamon, 1 drop eucalyptus, 1 drop patchouli, 1 drop thyme.
Fragrant - 4 drops palmarosa, 4 drops lavender.
Harmony - 3 drops bergamot, 2 drops patchouli, 1 drop ylang ylang, 1 drop grapefruit, 1 drop sweet orange.
Towers - 4 drops basil, 4 drops rosewood.
Exotic - 3 drops sandalwood, 2 drops sweet orange, 2 drops lemon, 1 drop rose.
Bamboo - 4 drops lemongrass, 4 drops patchouli.
Moonlight - 3 drops white grapefruit, 2 drops lime, 2 drops spearmint, 1 drop sandalwood.
Fresh - 4 drops bergamot, 4 drops grapefruit.
Hearth - 4 drops orange, 2 drops cinnamon, 2 drops clove.
Glee - 3 drops geranium, 3 drops ylang ylang, 3 drops bergamot.
Bliss - 3 drops orange, 3 drops lemon, 2 drops vanilla absolute.
Summer - 4 drops geranium, 3 drops clary sage, 2 drops lemon.
December - 4 drops pine, 2 drops clove, 2 drops peppermint.
Comfort - 4 drops spearmint, 3 drops sweet orange, 2 drops spruce, 1 drop clary sage.
Sweet - 3 drops ylang ylang, 3 drops vetiver, 2 drops lime.
Be Happy - 3 drops lime, 3 drops sweet orange, 2 drops roman chamomile, 1 drop neroli, 1 drop patchouli.
Happy Happy Joy Joy - 2 drops rose, 1 drop lemon, 1 drop sweet orange, 1 drop bergamot, 1 drop mandarin, 1 drop geranium, 1 drop ylang ylang.
Sweat & Tears - 4 drops rosemary, 4 drops pine, 3 drops black pepper, 3 drops grapefruit. (good muscle rub)
Protect - 2 drops clove, 2 drops lemon, 2 drops cinnamon, 1 drop eucalyptus, 1 drop rosemary.
Buzz Off - 4 drops citronella, 3 drops eucalyptus, 3 drops lavender, 3 drops peppermint.
Methinks Vicks - 2 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops tea tree, 1 drop lemon, 1 drop lavender, 1 drop thyme, 1 drop peppermint.
Sea Breeze - 3 drops rosemary, 2 drops bergamot, 2 drops lavender, 1 drop eucalyptus.
Deep - 3 drops sweet orange, 3 drops grapefruit, 1 drop patchouli, 1 drop ylang ylang.
Ocean Breeze - 3 drops lavender, 2 drops rosemary, 2 drops bergamot, 1 drop eucalyptus.
Sleep - 2 drops sweet orange, 2 drops rosewood, 1 drop mandarin, 1 drop cedarwood, 1 drop clary sage, 1 drop lavender.
Wind Down - 2 drops geranium, 2 drops rose, 2 drops sandalwood, 1 drop frankincense, 1 drop lavender.
Serenity - 3 drops sandalwood, 3 drops lavender, 2 drops spruce.
Purify - 2 drops tea tree, 2 drops eucalyptus, 1 drop oregano, 1 drop cinnamon, 1 drop lavender, 1 drop sandalwood.
Focus - 2 drops basil, 2 drops rosemary, 2 drops pine, 2 drops lemon.
Shnugs - 3 drops jasmine absolute, 2 drops rose, 1 drop patchouli, 1 drop neroli, 1 drop sandalwood.
Open Space - 3 drops cedarwood, 3 drops balsam, 2 drops spikenard.
Rush - 3 drops coriander, 2 drops peppermint, 2 drops mandarin, 1 drop grapefruit.
Strong - 1 drop lemon, 1 drop grapefruit, 1 drop rosemary, 1 drop thyme, 1 drop ginger, 1 drop lavender, 1 drop peppermint.
Loving Hands - 3 drops chamomile, 3 drops lavender, 3 drops sweet orange.
Uplift - 3 drops juniper, 3 drops pine, 2 drops lemon.
Baby Love - 3 drops lavender, 3 drop chamomile, 1 drop melissa, 1 drop rose.
Christmas Eve - 1 drop orange, 1 drop tangerine, 1 drop frankincense, 1 drop pine, 1 drop fennel, 1 drop clove, 1 drop cinnamon, 1 drop peppermint.
Paris - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops geranium, 2 drops ylang ylang.
Winter - 4 drops spruce, 4 drops cedarwood.
Love & Peace - 4 drops patchouli, 4 drops sandalwood.
Excite - 2 drops ylang ylang, 1 drop cedarwood, 1 drop grapefruit, 1 drop bergamot, 1 drop basil, 1 drop rosemary, 1 drop peppermint.
Sugar Cookie - 3 drops vanilla absolute, 3 drops cardamom, 2 drops nutmeg.
Evergreen - 3 drops spruce, 3 drops pine, 2 drops fir.
Geni - 3 drops geranium, 3 drops lavender, 2 drops sandalwood.
Together - 2 drops tangerine, 1 drop sandalwood, 1 drop ylang ylang, 1 drop rosewood, 1 drop lavender, 1 drop sweet orange, 1 drop patchouli.
Unique - 4 drops helichrysum, 4 drops roman chamomile.
Sensual - 3 drops sweet orange, 2 drops patchouli, 2 drops ylang ylang, 1 drop nutmeg.
Sensitive - 4 drops roman chamomile, 2 drops sandalwood, 2 drops lavender.
Clear - 3 drops sweet orange, 3 drops tea tree, 2 drops peppermint.
TIngle - 3 drops tea tree, 3 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops lavender.
Stress Release - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops bergamot, 2 drops sandalwood.
Rich - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops frankincense, 2 drops geranium.
Schnoz - 3 drops eucalyptus, 3 drops peppermint, 2 drops pine.
Hint - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops rosemary, 2 drops sweet orange.
Sweet Dreams - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops marjoram, 2 drops lemon.
Soothing - 5 drops vanilla absolute, 3 drops lavender.
Pick Me Up - 4 drops lemon, 2 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops tea trea.
Bathtime - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops sweet orange, 2 drops vanilla absolute.
Peace - 4 drops sandalwood, 4 drops frankincense.
No Sugar - 4 drops cinnamon, 2 drops nutmeg, 2 drops clove.
Endure - 5 drops lemon, 3 drops peppermint.
Deep Purple - 4 drops marjoram, 4 drops chamomile.
Lemon Ice - 3 drops lemon, 1 drop tea tree, 1 drop myrrh, 1 drop rosemary, 1 drop peppermint, 1 drop carrot seed.
Mulled - 4 drops cinnamon, 4 drops clove.
Take Me Away - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops mandarin, 2 drops ylang ylang.
Blue - 4 drops lavender, 4 drops fir.
Romance - 3 drops ylang ylang, 3 drops sandalwood, 2 drops sweet orange.
Meditate - 4 drops patchouli, 4 drops frankincense.
Happy - 3 drops bergamot, 3 drops jasmine absolute, 2 drops rosemary.
Up - 4 drops basil, 4 drops lime.
Cool - 4 drops spearmint, 2 drops peppermint, 2 drops lavender.
Pure - 5 drops cinnamon, 3 drops spearmint.
Moody - 4 drops sandalwood, 2 drops clove, 2 drops jasmine absolute.
Clarity - 5 drops sweet orange, 3 drops cedarwood.
Vital - 3 drops rosemary, 3 drops basil, 2 drops peppermint.
Stir - 4 drops peppermint, 4 drops eucalyptus.
Celestial - 4 drops sandalwood, 4 drops rose.
Radiant - 5 drops sweet orange, 3 drops lemongrass.
Ease - 4 drops lavender, 3 drops petigrain, 1 drop frankincense.
Quirk - 5 drops pink grapefruit, 3 drops petitgrain.
Crazy - 6 drops sweet orange, 6 drops grapefruit, 5 drops tangerine, 5 drops mandarin, 2 drops bergamot, 1 drop lemon, 1 drop lime, 1 drop litsea cubeba, 1 drop ginger, 1 drop lemongrass.
Timeless - 4 drops frankincense, 4 drops lavender.
Serene - 4 drops lavender, 4 drops ylang ylang.
Amethyst - 5 drops lavender, 3 drops ylang ylang.
Sparkle - 6 drops neroli, 2 drops peppermint.
Insight - 4 drops bergamot, 4 drops lime.
Peace, Man - 4 drops patchouli, 4 drops rosemary.
Tranquil - 4 drops lavender, 4 drops tangerine.
Breathe Again - 4 drops lavender, 2 drops frankincense, 1 drop pine, 1 drop eucalyptus.
Amber - 4 drops fennel, 4 drops cinnamon.
Energize - 3 drops peppermint, 3 drops lemon, 2 drops rosemary.
Crunchy - 4 drops ginger, 4 drops patchouli.
Hed Coad - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops rosemary, 2 drops eucalyptus.
Romantic - 4 drops ylang ylang, 4 drops jasmine absolute.
Silk - 4 drops geranium (or rose), 4 drops rosemary.
Passion - 5 drops ylang ylang, 3 drops nutmeg.
Loosen - 3 drops lavender, 3 drops rosemary, 2 drops grapefruit.
Pink - 4 drops geranium, 4 drops palmarosa.
Balance - 3 drops bergamot, 3 drops lavender, 2 drops geranium.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Natural Soap Colorants

A very informative post from Soap-blog on Natural Colorants in soap. They were acquired from a variety of sources on the internet and it is very helpful to have the colorants all in one spot for reference.

Here is the list of natural colorants.

Reds and Pinks

Alkanet Root - Pink/Red to Purple - Infuse 2.5 tbsp per pound olive oil

Beet Root - Pink to Red - Infuse 1 tbsp in 2 ounces of oil

Cochineal Powder - Deep Red - Made from insects and is not considered vegan

Hibiscus - Red

Lady’s Bedstraw - Coral Pink - Use the roots

Madder Root - Pink to Rich Red - Add 1 tbsp per pound soap at light trace

Morroccan Red Clay - Brick Red - Very stable, add 1-3 tbsp per pound of soap

Pink Clay - Muted Pink

Rattanjot - Red to Purple - Infuse 1 tsp in 2 ounces of oil

Red Cabbage - Rose - Can add unpleasant scent

Red Palm Oil - Pink to Orange

Red Reef Clay - Deep Red

Red Sandalwood - Maroon - Add ½ to 1 tsp per pound of soap at light trace.  Lower pH yields red and higher pH makes purple

Rose Hip Powder - Pink to Burgundy - Add at light trace

Rose Pink Clay - Brick Red - Add 1-3 tbsp per pound of soap

Sorrel - Soft Pink - Use the roots

St John’s Wort Flowers - Red - Infuse flowers

Tomato Puree - Red to Orange

Oranges and Peaches

Annatto Seed - Orange to Yellow - Infuse 2 tsp per pound oil

Butterfly Bush Flowers - Orange to Gold - Infuse flowers

Carrot Powder - Orange - Add 1-3 tbsp per pound of soap at light trace

Dahlia - Orange to Yellow - Infuse

Mace Powder - Orange - Infuse 1 tbsp in 2 ounces of oil

Milks - Orange/Yellow/Brown - Add lye to milk instead of water

Orange Peel Powder - Orange - Add 1-3 tbsp per pound of soap at light trace

Pansy Herb Tea - Orange

Paprika - Peach/ Salmon - Infuse ½ to 1 tsp per pound oil

Pumpkin/Sweet Potato Puree - Deep Orange - Add 1-3 tbsp per pound of soap

Safflower Petals - Orange to Yellow - Infuse/ Petals retain color

Sweet Orange Oil - Orange - Add to scent and color soap at light trace

Tomato Puree - Red to Orange

Tumeric - Orange/Gold - Add to oils or infuse

Wheat Germ - Yellow Orange

Yellows and Golds

Acacia Flowers - Maize Yellow - Infuse flowers

Annatto Seed - Yellow to Orange - Infuse ¼ tsp in 2 ounces oil

Black-Eyed Susan - Yellow - Mix petals in lye solution

Calendula Flowers - Buttery Yellow - Infuse 1 tbsp in 2 ounces of oil or add ¼ cup petals per pound of soap at trace

Chamomile - Yellow/Gold - Infuse 1 tbsp in 2 ounces of oil

Dahlia - Intense Yellow - Infuse

Elderberry Leaves - Yellow - Infuse

Fennel Mustard - Yellow

Ginger Root - Yellow

Goldenrod Flowers - Muted Yellow - Infuse

Ground Mustard - Yellow

Milks - Orange/Yellow/Brown - Add lye to milk instead of water

Red Palm Oil - Creamy Yellow to Gold - Use 1% for creamy yellow and 15% for gold

Safflower Powder - Yellow - Add 1-2 tsp per pound soap at trace

Saffron Petals - Warm Yellow - Infuse

St John’s Wort Leaves - Yellow - Infuse

Tumeric - Gold - Add to oils or infuse 2 tbsp in 2 ounces of oil

Yellow Clay - Yellow - Add 1-3 tsp per pound of soap


Alfalfa Powder - Pea Soup - Add 2 tsp per 4-5lb batch soap (Unpleasant scent)

Blue Green Algae - Green

Burdock Leaf - Natural Green - Infuse

Chlorella - Green

Chlorophyll (Liquid) - Light Green - Add 1-3 tbsp per pound soap at trace

Comfrey Leaf - Deep Sage Green - Add 1 tbsp per pound soap at trace

Cucumber - Pale Green

Dandelion Leaf - Green - Add 1-2 tbsp per pound soap at trace

Dill - Green

French Green Clay - Green - Add 1-3 tbsp per pound soap at trace

Kelp - Dark Green - Add 1-3 tbsp per pound soap at trace

Mugwort - Greenish Gold

Nettle Leaf - Lime Green - Infuse or add 1 tbsp per pound soap at trace

Olive Leaf - Green - Infuse or add 1 tbsp per pound soap at trace

Parsley - Green - Infuse flakes for better staying powder

Peppermint - Green

Sage - Green

Spinach - Green - Add 1-3 tbsp per pound soap at trace

Spirulina Moss - Green - Infuse 1-2 tbsp in 2 ounces of oil or add 1-3 tbsp per pound soap at trace

Stevia Powder - Green - Infuse 2 tbsp in 2 ounces of oil

Ulva Lactica (seaweed) - Sage Green

Blues and Purples

Alkanet Root - Pink/Red to Purple - Infuse 2.5 tbsp per pound olive oil

Black Mulberry Puree - Dark Bluish Purple

Blackberry Puree - Purple

Blue Chamomile EO - Robin’s Egg Blue - Add ½ to 2 tsp per pound soap at trace (Will scent)

Blue Cypress - EO Blue - Add ½ to 2 tsp per pound soap at trace (Will scent)

Blueberry Puree - Blue - Add 1-3 tbsp per pound soap

Indigo Powder - Blue - Infuse 2 tsp in 2 ounces of oil or add ¼ to ½ tsp per pound soap

Purple Grape Juice - Bluish Purple - Add 1-3 tbsp per pound soap

Purple Indian Corn - Dark Purple/ Maroon

Red Geranium Leaf - Dark Purple to Grey

Red Hibiscus - Purple - Infuse

Red Sandalwood - Purple - Add 3 tbsp per 6 lb soap

Woad Leaf - Sky Blue - Add 1/8 to ½ tsp per 5lb soap

Browns and Tans

Acacia Flowers - Golden Brown - Infuse flowers

Betonite Clay - Beige to Green/Grey - Add 1-3 tbsp per pound of soap

Black Walnut Hull - Rich Brown - Add ¼ to ½ tsp per pound soap at trace

Cinnamon - Tan to Brown - Add ½ to 1 tsp per pound soap at trace

Cloves - Brown - Add ¼ to 1 tsp per pound soap at trace

Cocoa Powder - Dark Brown - Add ¼ to 1 tsp per pound soap at trace

Coffee - Deep Creamy Brown - Use brewed coffee in place of water or add grounds at trace

Comfrey Root - Light Milky Brown

Elderberries - Light Brown - Steep in lye solution

Milks - Orange/Yellow/Brown - Add lye to milk instead of water

Oolong Tea Extract - Brown to Green

Blacks and Greys

Charcoal Activated - Black - Add 1 tbsp per pound soap at light trace

Pumice - Grey

Old Fashioned Lavender Soap Recipe

Does soap ever behave like you expect it to behave?
I made lavender soap this morning with lard, olive oil, coconut oil, and castor oil. I used a little beet root powder and activated charcoal, hoping for a color in the lavender family. What I got was dark green and medium green. Hopefully it will morph into a gray color, at least. Newly poured, it looks like this. I will see what it looks like tomorrow after it gels.

Do not forget to always use protective gear when working with lye - safety goggles, plastic gloves, and long sleeves. Keep children and pets away from the mixture and never leave your lye unattended. I mix mine in a plastic pitcher in the sink (in case of volcanic reactions). I also use the sink because I'm messy and usually drip, dribble, or spill my oil mixture sometime during the process.

This is a cold process soap and the recipe is as follows:
  • Lard - 16 ounces
  • Coconut Oil, 76 degrees - 12 ounces
  • Olive Oil - 12 ounces
  • Castor Oil - 4 ounces
  • Lye (NaOH) - 6.27 ounces
  • Water (distilled) - 16.72 ounces
Mix the lye slowly to the water (mine is part cold distilled water and part crushed ice) in a plastic pitcher until dissolved.
Melt the lard and coconut oil in another pitcher or bucket. Slowly add the lye water and mix with a stick blender in short bursts until it reaches trace (the consistency of thin pudding).
  • I did a very slight water discount so I only used 15.72 ounces of water. 
  • I added about 1/8 cup of finely chopped lavender buds and 2 TBS Hungarian Lavender essential oil to the mixture at trace.  I divided the oil into 2/3 and 1/3. I added 2 TBS Beet Root powder and 1/2 tsp activated charcoal to the 1/3 oil mixture. I alternated the two colored mixtures and poured into the mold. Then I swirled with a wooden stick. As I said, I was expecting gray and got green so now I wait and hope the color changes. 
  • I sprinkled some lavender buds on top of the soap as a subtle accent.
  • This recipe fills a 44 ounce mold.
I think that alkanet root powder would make a better color but mine hasn't been delivered yet. So my suggestion is to use alkanet instead of beet root powder for color. I'm sure you could use a pretty mica, but then the soap isn't truly "natural" because the mica is man-made.

Update: This is what the soap looks like two days later. The dark green has morphed into gray (woohoo!) and the light green is more of a beige. Not quite the color I wanted but it will work.

What I’ve Learned from Soaping

What I’ve Learned from Soaping

·         Your soap will be the same color as the colorant you used – dream on.
·         Those bars of soap you made that first week (or month, or months) aren’t nearly as good as you thought they were.
·         If you can make soap, you can make a soap mold.
·         If you think your soap will always behave and wait for you to swirl, think again.
·         You should upgrade to a food processor if you keep shredding your fingers.
·         All your soap batches will be beautiful – nope.
·         Soap making is not a cheap hobby.
·         That lovely fragrance will last forever – I wish.
·         Lye burns but water fixes it.
·         All of your customers will appreciate your natural colors and scents – No.
·         There are many soap recipes, instructions, and tips on the web.
·         You will pour your soap batter neatly – Hahahaha!
·         If you do not know how to rebatch, you will learn.
·         SoapCalc is a very useful tool and not really intimidating.
·         Many of your best ideas were actually from other people on Natural Soap Forum.

About Me

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I love my 2 grandsons and reading. I like traveling but the only place I go any more is Colorado. Maybe after I move to Colorado I'll travel to other places.