Things around here have been a little too exciting for us lately. On January 27 we had a major ice storm come through. In fact, the worst ice storm in the U.S. in 70 years is what I heard. I certainly believe it. Our electricity, cable TV, telephone, and internet went down on the 27th. We were lucky and they got our elec back up in one week (some other people in the country had to wait almost 3 wks to get their electricity back). We got the cable, internet, and telephone service back today so we've been without for 3 wks. But to tell you the truth, I was so happy to get electricity back on that being without the rest didn't seem so bad. We ended up buying a generator after 3 days because it was freezing cold. I had to work in the cold all day at the post office (the mail must go through and all that) and then come home to the cold and let me tell you, it sucked! Bill, the 3 dogs, 2 cats, and I were all in a 10 x 12 ft bedroom, trying to keep warm. It got down to 9° one night. Luckily, we still had water and since we have a gas hot water heater, I could take a hot bath. Some people didn't even have that. The Jaycee's club was set up as an emergency warming center so we could go there and eat hot meals. I was wearing a sleeveless tank shirt, a long sleeve t-shirt, a shirt, sweater, and a coat. I wore sweat pants over my jeans and I had these furry boots that kept my feet warm. Oh, and I cut two fingers out of my gloves so I could keep my gloves on and work. I was a wide as I was tall! LOL
We are still cleaning up the mess. Not one of my trees was undamaged. It brought down so many branches and some trees. We've worked for over 2 wks on the clean up in our yard and we now have the front fairly clean but we still have a long way to go in the back yard. The city has picked up several big piles of branches and we have another 6 piles by the curb right now but we are finally over half done. I heard on the news that there were 7000 utility poles that snapped and had to be replaced.
Let me tell you, it's no fun to sit in the dark and the cold, listening to big limbs fall on your house. The trees were snapping and cracking all night long, taking our electric and cable lines with them.